Local same day delivery from a Jared store to your door
✽Limited to items available for Buy Online Pick Up in Store. Availability, selection, and order cut-off time may vary by location. Fees apply to same day delivery.
How much does it cost?
Cost is currently set at $29.95.
What stores offer Same-Day Delivery?
This varies. In order to offer Same-Day Delivery, the item(s) being purchased must be in stock at that store, and the store must be within 25 miles of the delivery location. Additionally, the delivery cannot happen across state lines (e.g. pick-up from NY store for delivery to a NJ location).
How long does it take to deliver?
Exact delivery times will vary. If an order is placed by 1pm local time it can be delivered on the same day; orders placed after the cutoff time may not/will not be delivered on the same day. If you have paid for Same-Day Delivery and do not receive the order on the same day, please call Customer Care requesting a refund for the Same-Day Delivery charges.
Who will deliver my order?
Your order will be delivered coordinated through our delivery carrier.
How do I return a Same-Day Delivery order?
You may refuse your Same-Day Delivery order at the time of delivery, at which point the driver will return it to the store, or you may initiate a return by contacting Customer Care.
How do I cancel my Same-Day Delivery?
Orders can be canceled up to the point it has been moved into ‘Ready for Pickup’ status. It can also be canceled via the website during the return period or by contacting Customer Care or the store where the order will be fulfilled. Once the order has been prepared and is Ready for Pickup, it cannot be cancelled.
How is product packaged for Same-Day Delivery?
Products shipped for Same-Day Delivery are packaged in our signature Jared packaging, perfect for gift giving! Your package will then be placed inside a simply box for transportation.
Can I provide a tip for my Same-Day Delivery?
Can I change or add to my order once the order is placed?
No. Orders cannot be modified once placed.
What happens if I am not home for my delivery?
Your package will be left at your doorstep unless a signature is required. If a signature is required, the package is returned to the store, processed as a return, and you will be refunded.
What should I do if I do not receive the right item or am missing an item?
Contact Jared Customer Care at 800-527-8229.
How will I receive a receipt for my purchase?
You will receive an order confirmation and transactional emails. The delivery package will contain a packing slip with the order information, as well.
How do I reschedule a delivery time?
The Same Day Delivery Carrier decides the delivery date and time based on the delivery date on the order. Customers cannot reschedule the delivery time.
When will my credit card be charged?
Authorization happens at the time of order placement, payment capture happens when the order has been moved to ‘Ready for Pickup’ status, and settlement happens upon driver pick-up.
Do I need to be home to receive my Same-Day Delivery order?
If an order is at or above $1,000, a signature is required at the time of delivery, meaning the customer must be home to receive the delivery.
Who do I contact if I have an issue with my Same-Day Delivery order?
Contact Jared Customer Care.
Can I communicate with my Delivery Driver?
Can I track my order?
Yes, a tracking link is provided when you receive the ‘your order is on its way’ message.
What payment methods are accepted?
You may use a credit card, your Jared credit card, Apple Pay, PayPal, or a Jared Gift Card.